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What is the Menarche Party?

The Menarche Party is an On-The-Road Event that demystifies and celebrates the socially shunned process of Menstruation. This event focuses on the many facets of healthy menstruation, shame reduction, promotion of comfort, education of individuals of the body and the history of menstruation and menstrual products.

This event started two years ago after reading the book "CUNT" where the author challenged her readers’ to throw a menstruation party. I was talking to a few young girls and grew concerned with the negative views our society was teaching women of all ages about this natural monthly process. I realized that our culture was reinforcing the degrading notion that menstruation causes women to be mean, rude, or act crazy, and that individuals should be ashamed of bleeding. A good example of this is the euphemistically named “feminine hygiene” isle. I realized that there was little discussion in the classrooms about the vagina being the cleanest area of the body (when cared for properly), that menstruation could be cause for celebration and that many women report feeling their most powerful and creative during this phase of the month! In conjunction with this lack of knowledge, pressure is placed on young girls that when this biological event occurs, they suddenly "become women".

I also realized that our culture also refuses to discuss the very real health risks associated with using common vaginal “health” products such as vaginal douches and name-brand commercial tampons (chemicals in the cotton have been shown to increase the incidence of endometriosis). There is even a shocking lack of knowledge amongst American women as to what vulvas look like. Throughout the Menstrual Party are a wide range of menstrual products (old school and new), fact sheets and videos on menstruation, information on vaginal health and instructional pictures to normalize genitalia. For fun, menstruation themed craft projects, vulva focused snack food and local feminist artists are present. There will also be raffles taking place throughout the event for prizes that relate to menstruation and vulva health.

The Menstrual Parties have been a huge success so far! They have received press from college and city newspapers and on some campuses. Many women’s health majors have been given extra credit to attend. This is a new way to empower women and to improve community health in your area. Women of all ages have attended, from 8-60 years of age, and it is amazing to see the young and the sophisticated alike giggling, learning and sharing their mutual menstrual experiences. It provides a unique space for discussion that our culture is sorely missing.

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