3/8: Super Sex! College Campus Style, Central CT State University, CT

What: Super Sex:  College Campus Style!

How can you make your sex life safe while still be being hot? Can the two happily exist together?

Of course they can!

Super hot safer sex will be the topic of conversation where will teach you how to safely fondle with the best of them!

This workshop will include: Condom Use-Do you know how to put one on with your mouth?

The Do’s and Don’ts of Boxed Lunch, Silicone Surprises and Spanking, Erotic Talk and so much more!

When: March 8th, 2011

Where: Central CT State University

Time: 7pm

Audience: CCSU students

Cost: Free!


  1. Dale Deckert says:

    Disgusting!! Why would an accredited college allow something so uncouth? Young adults learn about these things naturally. Sex is not a recreation. It should be respected.

  2. Megan says:

    Hi Dale,
    Thanks for posting a comment. I’m curious what you think is disgusting? Teaching about sexuality? Answering questions adults have regarding sexuality? I’m not sure what “learning things naturally” means? Are you advocating that people learn by trial and error? I think it’s important to teach people medically accurate information in hopes of reducing risks, injury, STD transmission and increasing healthy dialogue. Trial and error approaches haven’t seemed to work out so well.

    As a certified Sexuality Educator, HIV educator and board certified Sexologist who works with physicians, mental health care providers, and students on a regular basis, I can assure you that my work approaches concerns, questions, medically accurate information in a deeply respectful matter. Too often sexuality is trivialized and I certainly don’t want that to happen. I think teaching people to respect sexuality and to keep themselves healthy as adults is deeply important.
    I’m happy to address any other concerns you may have…
    Megan Andelloux

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